Friday, May 13, 2011

State bill 5

Governor Kasich took office and his first 100 days, he has done more harm than good to the state of Ohio. He has made it harder for teachers, police officers, fireman and nurses to bargain for collective bargaining. At the same time unions will no longer be allowed to strike if they disagree with something happening in the government. This goes back to my earlier argument that I was trying to point out earlier that as college students we do need to pay attention more towards these issues. Yes this might be a political issue, but I can guarantee everyone knows someone that is a teacher, or has plans here at Wittenberg to become a teacher. As a friend of those that educated you in high school and got you to college, and your friends that are going to become teachers, we should very much look after them and stand up for them. The government wants to cut their pay, end their union rights. How do we expect our teachers to give the best education to our students if they don't get these basic rights? I believe a lot in my high school teachers. I will never let them down. I've heard people say, we need to pay teachers based on performance. My question is: How do you determine that? How do you examine a teacher that is an English honors teacher to a Special Education teacher?? Are you going to base this on a test that a student takes in one day based on anxiety? College kids need to wake up and understand that their kid's education is at risk if they don't stand up for those that educated them.

The inner city schools are bad- there is no question about that. But, it isn't the teacher's fault. It has a lot to do with the student's parents at home. Are they going to bed on time? Are they being fed properly? Are they getting their homework done at home? Are they living in a safe area? Are they being disciplined?

This fall voters will have the chance to go to the polls to vote to repeal this awful law. It is everyone's obligation as a citizen to vote and get out there. There is no excuse for not voting. GET THIS LAW REPEALED. It's awful.

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