Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Royal Wedding

You have no idea how excited I am. I have heard so many students say to me, "Who cares, it's just a wedding." But it's like saying, "who cares about sports, it's just  game." This is so important for me to watch. I am planning on waking up at 5am to watch NBC's live coverage from London on the Royal wedding, but no one at Wittenberg is interested it seems. No one is talking about.

This is a prince marrying a "civilian" I guess you could say. So, why is this not exciting? I am looking forward to more of the media's coverage of the event. I am also looking forward on seeing Kate Middleton's dress. Yes, I'll admit, I sometimes watch for fassion. I wish I was in London for this. I always love being involved when there is news happening.

I also have been a long time fan of Prince Williams. I remember very fondly where I was when Princess Diana died, and I remember her funeral very well when I was 8 years old. I cannot believe Prince Williams is getting married in the same church. 14 years ago- he was walking behind princess Diana's coffin going down the streets of London.

Anyways, my question is: Why isn't there any Royal wedding themed things for entertainment? Lets get excited more!! This is real, not a fantasy! Just something to ponder about I guess?


  1. Sure, she is a "civilian" but he isn't really a prince either...He is a prince by name but the monarchy doesn't really exist.

    I think the media is just blowing this out of proportion. I'm excited and happy for them, but it's getting ridiculous with all paparazzi photos and rumors swirling around. Let them be happy in peace!

  2. Even though they might not have a say in major issues, they have a huge influence over England and the British people, did you see how many people waited outside just to catch a glimpse of any part of the ceremony or parties? Even if it doesn't really exist it doesn't mean that they don't have a major influence or that he isn't a prince. He could be King of their country some day, that's why it is such a huge deal. I agree that everyone should leave them alone, but Nishant, or me not watching it isn't going to do anything, they are covering it, so why not be a part of history?
