Thursday, January 27, 2011

Politics at Wittenberg

I'm a Communication major with a Journalism minor. I am very much interested in politics. I love politics in fact. I have been following politics since 1998. But I'm often wondering why don't more students talk about politics? What is it about politics people don't like to talk about or wish to ponder about?

President Obama last night addressed the nation about his plans to move the United States of America forward. He talked about his plans to bring home troops from Afghanistan and Iraq this year, education reform, invoation, and inferstructure. But he also talked briefly about the United States' debt and deficit and how we plan to tackle this issue. My question to people: Do you not care about the future of your country? Do you not care about your fellow citizens? I follow politics and get emotional about it- because I care about my country, the poor and want the best for people. I saw the days of Bush in our country and how things went downhill.

President Obama talked about his plans to reform education- to make sure every single student has a chance to go to college- and how the United States becomes the number one country where citizens graduate from college. Does that not appeal to people? 

I think it is important to follow politics in this country. Everyone needs to understand this affect them in a very big way. For example if Bush still were in office- we could still be in Iraq for even longer. This effects students. The health care reform bill- it ends pre-exhisting conditions, but more importantly this effects everyone! You can stay on your parents health care until you are 26.

College kids follow politics- know what is happening in your country! And fight for what you believe in!!


  1. I agree with you 100%, Nishant. Unfortunately I have to admit-- I don't follow politics as closely as I should...but you made a valid point. I shall try my best!

  2. I understand your point Nishant, but at the same time I just don't care about politics. I know it's bad, but I don't see how politics directly affect my day to day. I see them as a source of arguments and division between a lot of people who just argue for the same thing over and over again. It seems like all talk, in my opinion. :)

  3. That is understandable. But politics is apart of your life. Do you like paying taxes? Do you care about the police? The fire? Libraries? Schools? These are all paid for through taxes. This is politics. The health care reform law affects you very much because you can stay on your parents health insurance until you are 28 in the state of Ohio. This might not affect you- but this for sure affects a lot of people. Politics is also thinking about people around you and not specifically yourself. Because one thing may not specifically effect you- but it will to others. Like, the Iraq war. You and I could care less. But why did I care? Because so many families had to send their husbands, dad's and kids to the war. And then there were other issues- is this fair to send troops to Iraq when it didn't effect us for those troops to risk their lives? The health care bill- so many people don't have health insurance- how do we fix this so it's affordable? And the reason it is important to discuss politics- this nation is a democracy. And the best democracy in the world. If you want to have the best colleges, schools, police, fire departments, libraries, health care, military- you have to stand up for your country and speak your opinion in the elections and townhall debates! The reason it is important to discuss is because politics is also a humanity issue. A lot of people benefit from great services given to them. We can also have these discussions to make our nation a better one. How do we get jobs back? I'll say this is why I am involved in politics. For example, I got to know my repersentative, Mary Jo Kilroy who repersented me in congress, and my previous repersentative, Debrah Pryce. I got to their public events- just like the townhall meeting that happened in Tuscon, AZ. I was angered by the shooting there- because Congresswomen Giffords did what she wanted to do- to listen to her people she repersent in congress. So, by debating- we come up with ideas, discuss different ideas, to make our nation a better place.

    Also, if you have been following the news in Egypt, my good friend is from there. And the news is getting out of control over there. But this affects you and me, because gas prices are going up.

    I think my family was very lucky that we didn't struggle in the last economic recession. But many families did- and it was bad for them.

    OK, just some points to ponder about. :)
