Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Race at Wittenberg University

What a sad thing that happened on the campus of Wittenberg..... on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the day we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King, and his influence to our nation, a student wrote on another student's wall, "White's only, No Colored." This not only angered me, but it made me not understand how our society still is so racist. It has been over fifty years.... how is the country still judging someone on the color of someone. It is really sad that people still have such negative thoughts of African Americans. Racism is going to get worse before it gets better I believe. People are always complaining about African Americans- and always complaining about how they are all on welfare. Maybe that was the case because they were never given a chance to live the American dream- and get that education, or have a fair chance at getting a job because of their color. The U.S. government has something called, "affirmative action." They get free points on their college applications, and they have a better chance at getting into colleges. People always complain about this. But can I ask you something. Is it fair to not accept someone and give them the same equal chances because they went to a worse school that's not their fault? Why shouldn't we be giving equal chances. Do you remember the University of Michigan case that occured with affirmative action in 2003?
We have affirmative action because of the awful treatment to African Americans in our country until the 1960's. And, people are like, "Why should I be affected by this, I wasn't alive back then!" We'll, the reason you should be affected is because your society needs to be sorry for the mistakes that you did to your fellow citizens and this should be away of giving African Americans a chance to make a come back after not giving them a chance.

There was another incident in 2008, where someone lit the GSA float on fire, and there was not much of a reaction by the college campus as there was in this instance when a student wrote a horrible note on another student's. Why did this incident make it more important to address further than the float incident?

As an Indian American, I have seen people make very racist marks about my own race. Rememeber that guy who wanted to be re-elected as Senator in Virginia, but lost because he called an Indian American, a "mackacka". What about at the airports? Have you ever flown a flight and you get "randomly selected" to go through extra security? I think this is racial profiling, and this is wrong.

We need to remind ourselves, this is a country of Hindu's, Muslims, Christians, Jews and many more. This is a country of many ethnicities and diversity. If we want it to stay that way we cannot allow racism to be around.

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