Sunday, February 6, 2011

Film at Witt

So, Wittenberg is finally introducing a new film program for this summer. This program will emphasis writing for documentary, and focus on production for documentary film. A total of 5 films will be produced that are like 10 minutes each. Wittenberg has no requirements to take the course, however you do need to submit a 10 page paper in order to be considered for admissions.

I think this is a really cool thing for Wittenberg to have! Wittenberg is an exciting place! You can really do whatever you want if you really pursude professors or work with professors on a program of study of your interest.

One thing for me: At Wittenberg the university doesn't have broadcast journalism courses- although they focus a lot of the courses on print and this course is also focused a bit on online journalism. But, what I have learned. It's all about the internships you get! Writing is so important- and that is what you learn by taking the print journalism and online journalism courses. The production part comes from the internships. Internships are your key into the industry. If you want to go into even print journalism- internships with an "s" are very important. You meet people and are able to network- but you gain practical experience in the field. In this field, your experience is the most valuable thing you need to have! They want to see that you can do it.

I'm not saying don't take journalism classes in college- definetely take those courses- but employers really want take internships very seriously and you will have a top edge over those that do not experience and worked at a business.

So, get internships everyone!!!! Those are what get you jobs! You simply cannot escape it!

Wittenberg's attendance policy

So, why do professors have an attendance policy? Why do they treat students like high school students? I think this is something I'd like to look further into. My parents are professors at The Ohio State University, and they never have such a policy. They tell me, it's up to the students to come to their classes to learn the material. They are adults- and need to learn how to be one. If you don't come to class, you will have trouble on the exams, and in class material. So the responsibility is put on the student and not the professor.

Why at Wittenberg do professors try to baby it's students. Let the students be adult and make their decision if they are going to class or not. You will still have enough students to run a class discussion.

Snow days

So, I woke up throughout the night on Monday night. I looked outside and checked the weather conditions. The sidewalks, my car, everything was so icy. I didn't think we'd have class, but also knowing that I'm in college, you never know if a university will close. The Ohio State University didn't even close- and I was not expecting us to close either when I saw they were planning to be open. But we closed!

Tuesday night- the same thing. Except it turned into rain over night- so I really thought we would have class- but it all worked out and we were closed again.

But I'd like to understand why Thursday? I understand the sidewalks were really bad... but in Columbus all the side walks were awful, the city schools were back in session. I thought it was interesting that Wittenberg was closed and all the schools in Columbus were open. That never happens. It also never happens that Wittenberg has 3 snow days in a row.

But my question is: why did it take forever to remove the ice of the sidewalks compared to other universities and schools?

I loved the snow days not complaining...and want more to come again soon.